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[Image: part of installation for the After Dark Tours, Brodie Castle, Forres, created by Al Seed Productions and The National Trust for Scotland]





General Advice


Please contact at any time with one-off questions and for general advice. If you are seeking more structured support, please read the notes below regarding the full application process.



How to Apply

If you are interested in applying to Waypoint-1 please read the About and Options pages of this site, ensuring that you understand what the project can and cannot offer, then email a statement of interest (SOI) to including the following details:


  • an overview of your training and professional experience to date (300 words max)

  • a summary of your ambitions, being as specific as possible; this can refer to both the short and long term as appropriate (300 words max)

  • an indication of how you think Waypoint-1 can support your development, making reference to those headings in the 'What Waypoint-1 Can Offer' section of the Options page that are most relevant to you. You do not need to refer to every heading (500 words max)


  • links to any supporting material you deem necessary eg. images or video of past performances

Alternatively, applicants can submit a link to an SOI in video or audio format, broadly following the structure outlined above.


Assessment of Applications

SOIs can be submitted at any time; a response will always be provided within 2 weeks. Each SOI will be assessed on its own terms, in the context of the project’s remit, and will provide the basis for a follow up interview. Please be aware that due to the open-ended nature of the project and the capacity of personnel, it may not be possible to fulfil every deserving request for support. All applicants whose requests cannot be supported will be offered feedback.






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